Data Centers.
A Supercharged Growth

Data Centers are the backbone of today’s digital economy.
Here’s a look at the global picture.


Global Data Growth
by 2025


Increase in data center
power footprint by 2025


of data will be processed
at the Edge by 2025


Growth in Data Center AI
spending between 2022 & 2025

A Sneak Peek of Our Markets

Cloud-out and Edge-in trends are fuelling geographically distributed data center growth. Here’s a high level view of the markets we operate in.

Overarching Data Center

DCN Conferences cover the main Facility, IT and Business drivers that seamlessly impact
the whole data center value chain.

Design & Build
Modular & Prefabricated
DCIM & Automation
Lifecycle Management
Liquid Cooling
Software-Defined Power


IOT & Edge
Multi-cloud Strategies
High-performance computing
Storage Networks
Server Architecture


Real Estate
Wholesale Colocation
Retail Colocation
Managed Services
Investment Decisions

For End-Users

With 70% of attendees responsible for the strategy and management of data centers, end users benefit from key insights delivered by industry-leading peers on how to optimize internal and external IT resources.
In each market we create permanent Advisory Boards that help us curate content tailored to the needs of each local ecosystem.

For Vendors

At our conferences we encourage data center vendors to interact with end-users in a transparent environment. Our multi-track conferences are supported by unique expo areas where vendors can showcase infrastructure equipment, software and services.
Join DCN to reach new audiences, nurture the relationship with existing clients and convey thought leadership.

For Investors and Regulators

With 63.4 million square feet of data-center space globally, and another 4.3 million square feet under construction, we are just on the verge of a new ‘data tsunami’.
In such a scenario, objective information is vital for investors looking to diversify their asset portfolios and government agencies looking to regulate the various facets of the data center industry

“We strive to find out information needs of our markets and produce events of the highest integrity and value for all stakeholders”

Contact us

Contact us today to find out more about attending, sponsoring and partnering opportunities at our upcoming events.

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